ICE to hold more pregnant women in immigration detention

I’m not a very opinionated person, especially when it comes to politics. I’m pretty middle of the road and can see both sides to most arguments. I prefer to keep political conversations to a minimum, but when you’re assigned to write a political commentary, you don’t really have much of a choice.

So, when I was thinking about what to write for today it was pretty easy to choose what to write about because it was one of about 4 headlines I read/articles I skimmed. However, it did stick out to me because I did have an opinion on the matter.

So apparently, federal immigration officials have ended a general practice of releasing pregnant women facing deportation under a policy revealed Thursday by the Trump administration.

This just seems odd to me. Although women in their third trimester will be released from custody, because they are not allowed to fly. And other pregnant detainees will be judged on a case-by-case basis, with their pregnancy a “special factor” to be considered as part of their entire case, it still seemed a little too much for me. Does Trump really need to crack down on immigration so hard he sends pregnant women back to their country and probably a worse situation then they had here in America?

As a male, I’ve never been pregnant nor do I ever believe I will become pregnant, but form what I hear, it’s a bit of a hassle. And I imagine being thrown in an ICE detention center doesn’t help matters (where the American Immigration Council and the American Immigration Lawyers Association, filed a complaint in September against the Department of Homeland Security alleging that pregnant women were not receiving adequate care), but to be departed? Oh, come on.

I also find it strange to me the directive was signed by ICE Deputy Director Thomas Hogan on Dec. 14 but was not made public until Thursday. It seems a policy like that should be public knowledge immediately.

One thought on “ICE to hold more pregnant women in immigration detention

  1. There have been a number of changes to how pregnant women are being treated by immigration in recent months.


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